Fellowships at the institute for adavanced study, Berlin

The dialogue between sciences and the arts is hardly ever supported on an institutional basis. Reciprocal influences are only seldom fostered in institutions. On the other hand there are points of contact which demonstrate the extent to which scholars and artists can learn from each other. Ever since the Institute for Advanced Study was founded, it has invited not only scholars but also artists to come and stay in Berlin. Besides authors such as Mario Vargas Llosa, Hans Magnus Enzensberger and Imre Kertész, composers such as György Ligeti and Helmut Lachenmannhave been resident at the Institute as well. In consultation with the Institute's Academic Advisory Board the Federal Cultural Foundation supports the appointing of four fellows and artists every year as part of this programme. In the academic year 2003/04 all the fellows participate in the project "Islamic and Jewish Hermeneutics als cultural critique" as part of the working group "Modernity and Islam".

The fellows of the Federal Cultural Foundation in the academic year 2004/05:

Ruth HaCohen
Senior Lecturer of Musics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. (Holy Resonance: Jewish and Christian Approaches to Religious-Musical Experience)

Galit Hasan-Rokem
Professor of Hebrew Literature and professor of folklore at the Hebrew University
of Jerusalemr, Israel. (Narratives of Instability and Dislocation - with Special Reference to the Mutual Formations of Judaism and Christianity from Antiquity to the Present)

Scheherazade Qassim Hassan
Lecturer of Musics (The Traditional Art Repertoire of Baghdad: Tradition and Change)

Reuven Snir
Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature (The Arabic Literature of Iraqi Jews in the 20th Century)


Kulturstiftung des Bundes

Franckeplatz 1

D-06110 Halle an der Saale

Tel.: +49 / 345 / 29 97 - 0
