Believe Tank

A Doppelpass-funded project by the Landestheater Tübingen and the theatre collective NYX

The city of Tübingen is not only home to one of the oldest and most prestigious theological faculties, but also the headquarters of the Stiftung Weltethos (World Ethics Foundation), the Centre for Islamic Theology and numerous religious organisations and free churches. Inspired by its diversity of religious communities – from tolerant to militant, both rurally rooted and urbanely cosmopolitan – the Landestheater Tübingen and the independent theatre collective NYX have started a theatrical research project to initiate a dialogue with the citizens of Tübingen on the subjects of faith and society.

The “Believe Tank” functions as a virtual, theoretical and real-world tank, which will be filled with religious doctrines and questions over a period of two years. Where should we find meaning in life? What language should we use to speak about the “last things”? How do we defend the values of our Occidental “Christian” world when we ourselves are not so sure what they are? And how do the values of other religions influence our coexistence?


No upcoming events at present

Previous events

  • 16 June, 2017 to 1 July, 2017: "Playtest: State of Diebenga"/Game-Theater

    swt-Maschinenhalle am Wehr, Tübingen

  • 25 February, 2017 : Premiere "Believe Busters"

    Landestheater, Tübingen

  • 11 April, 2016 : Theatrical Think Tank: Der werfe den ersten Stein

    Landestheater, Tübingen

  • 19 March, 2016 : Theatrical Think Tank: Ein (Vor-)Osterspaziergang

    Landestheater, Tübingen

  • 24 February, 2016 : Theatrical Think Tank: Angst essen Seele auf

    Landestheater, Tübingen


Landestheater Tübingen

Eberhardstraße 6
72072 Tübingen (external link, opens in a new window)