Executive Board and Team
Introduction to the Executive Board
The Artistic Director, Katarzyna Wielga-Skolimowska, and the Administrative Director, Kirsten Haß, constitute the Executive Board of the German Federal Cultural Foundation.
Executive Board
Kirsten Haß
Executive Board / Administrative Director
Susanne Becker
Secretariat of the Artistic Director and Secretariat Berlin Office
Officer to the Executive Board
Dr Lutz Nitsche
Funding and Programmes
Programme Administration
Anja Bauer
Kirstin Bohlein
Marcel Gärtner
Maik Jacob
Constanze Kaplick
Laura Klopf
Dörte Koch
Anja Lehmann
Luan Thanh Nguyen
Sandra Rutke
Claudia Wenzel
Legal Department, Project Appraisal, Human Resources
Dr. Christian Kalthöner
Head of Legal Department and Human Resources, Legal Counsel
Katrin Gayda
Sarah Holstein
Alexandra Kluschke
Anja Petzold
Anton Shulman
Project Appraisal
Franziska Gollub
Bärbel Hejkal
Frank Lehmann
Fabian Märtin
Arite Studier
Antje Wagner
Tinatin Eppmann
Deputy Head of Communications
E-mail to Tinatin Eppmann
Hannah Crass
Sabine Eckardt
Sarah Fritzsche
Juliane Köber
Jan-Philipp Kohlmann
Eva Morlang
Anja Piske
Victoria Schröder
Administration and Finance
Saskia Seidel
IT, Facilities
Steffen Rothe
Team Lead IT, Facilities
E-mail to Steffen Rothe