Data Protection Policy


The German Federal Cultural Foundation is the responsible controller of this website. We take data protection very seriously and are committed to protecting your personal data during your visit to our website. We pledge to only use your data for the purposes indicated below. As you access pages on our website, personal data is collected which we process confidentially and in accordance with the provisions of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In the following, we disclose information about how, to what extent and why we process personal data, and how cookies are used in connection with the website

Data protection officer

If you have any questions regarding matters of data protection, please contact us (imprint) or send an email to datenschutz​(at)​

Right to information, rectification and erasure of personal data

In accordance with current regulations, you can request information at any time (in writing) about whether and what type of personal data we have stored about you on our server. Furthermore, you can demand that your personal data be corrected, completed, limited or deleted without undue delay insofar as this does not stand in violation of data retention regulations or other obligations. To make requests concerning your personal data, contact us (imprint) or send an email to datenschutz​(at)​

Data transfer and log files

Every time a user accesses the online services of the German Federal Cultural Foundation or downloads a file from our website, a record of the query is automatically stored and processed in a temporarily log file. Before any data is saved, the user’s IP address is anonymised, thereby rendering it impossible to assign the data to any specific person. Every visit/download is recorded in a log file as follows:

  • anonymised IP address
  • accessed pages
  • names of the accessed files
  • date and time of the query
  • amount of data transmitted
  • report if retrieval was successful
  • browser type and version
  • user’s operating system

These data are used solely for statistical purposes. They are analysed to improve our online services and are subsequently deleted. Any other usage or transfer of these data to third parties is excluded. The legal basis outlining the controller’s legitimate interests for data processing is provided in Art. 6 (1 f) GDPR.

As a rule, the right to rectification, information and erasure of stored data does not extend to purely viewing online content, as any data stored for the purpose of transmitting and rendering such content is only saved in temporary log files and is immediately deleted at the conclusion of the user’s visit. As a result, queries concerning log file information cannot be answered.

Usage of personal data

We only collect and process your personal data if you explicitly instruct us to do so, e.g. when you register for a subscription to our magazine, sign up to receive info letters by email, submit an online application form or use our contact mask. In such cases, data processing is performed on the basis of your given consent. You may withdraw your consent at any time. The information is electronically forwarded by our web server to an email account at the Foundation.

We only use your personal data to provide you with the application or service that you specifically request. If the application or service is available for only a limited time, the Federal Cultural Foundation will delete your data as soon as the application or service is concluded. When users contact us or order information materials, the provided postal and email addresses are only used for purposes of correspondence or postal delivery. The legal basis for user consent requirements is provided in Art. 6 (1 a) GDPR. Neither automated decision-making nor profiling is conducted at any time.

SSL encryption

For security reasons, this website uses SSL encryption technology to protect the transmission of confidential content, e.g. orders or funding applications which are sent to us as the website controller. When SSL encryption is activated, any data you send us cannot be read by third parties.

Withdrawal of consent

You may withdraw your consent to having your personal data processed at any time by written request. Withdrawal of consent takes effect without undue delay insofar as the processing of your personal data is not required in connection with a business transaction.

Forwarding personal data to third parties

The Federal Cultural Foundation may only forward your personal data to third parties without prior written consent and in accordance with legal regulations if:

  • a sub-contractor or agent, whose services we have commissioned to carry out the services you have requested, requires your data. Unless otherwise specified, such contractors are only permitted to use your data insofar as necessary for effecting the offers or rendering the service(s) in question.
  • an enforceable official or legal order is in place
  • it is necessary to prevent unauthorised use of our offers or services in a legally permissible manner

External links and transmission of third-party content

Our website contains links to external pages which are specially designated as such and whose content is not located on our server. The content of these links is verified at the time of placement. It is possible, however, that the external operators may change the content of their pages at a later time. Please notify us if you discover that the content provided by external operators violates applicable laws. This data protection policy only applies to content stored on our servers. Please note the data protection policies of third parties to whose pages links are provided.

We also use other services to incorporate third-party content into our web pages. We embed external links into our web pages because we have a legitimate interest in enriching and combining our content with that of others. By clicking on an external link, you will be transferred to the respective service. In order to protect your legitimate personal interests, i.e. to ensure that data processing staff are aware that you have chosen to access pages on our website and/or those of external providers, transferral occurs only with your consent. If you choose to use the services of external providers, the modalities of data collection and usage are subject to the data protection policies of the respective providers.

Right to lodge complaints with the supervisory authority

In the case of violation of data protection regulations, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the responsible supervisory authority.

Use of the analysis software Matomo

Our website uses Matomo (formerly Piwik), which is a so-called web analysis service.

Matomo tracking is carried out without cookies and does not store any data in your browser. For tracking purposes, your anonymized IP address, shortened by 2 bytes, and information used temporarily for the duration of your visit, such as browser and screen resolution, are used to measure user behaviour. As a user, you remain anonymous to us and no personal identification is possible. We do not pass the data on to third parties. You can also prevent this anonymous and cookie-free Matomo tracking in your browser settings (Privacy & Security) by activating the "Do Not Track" settings.

Usage of YouTube plugins

We present videos on our website using services provided by YouTube. YouTube is operated by YouTube LLC with headquarters at 901 Cherry Avenue, San Bruno, CA 94066, USA. YouTube is represented by Google Inc. with headquarters at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.

We also use YouTube plugins on some of our web pages. When you visit a page which contains such plugins – for example, our media library – a connection is established with the YouTube servers and the plugin is shown. This provides the YouTube server with information about the pages you have visited on our website. If you are logged onto YouTube as a member, then YouTube will automatically assign this information to your personal user account. When you activate the plugin (e.g. by clicking the start button of a video), the corresponding information is likewise assigned to your user account. You can prevent the automatic assignment of this information by logging out of your YouTube account and other accounts operated by the companies YouTube LLC and Google Inc. and deleting their respective cookies before logging onto our website.

For more information about the purpose and extent of data collection, how YouTube processes and uses this data, and your rights and options for protecting your privacy, please read YouTube’s privacy policy at: (external link, opens in a new window)

Usage of Vimeo plugins

We present videos on our website using services provided by Vimeo. Vimeo is operated by Vimeo, LLC with headquarters at 555 West 18th Street, New York, New York 10011, USA.

We use Vimeo plugins on some of our web pages. When you visit a page which contains such plugins – for example, our media library – a connection is established with the Vimeo servers and the plugin is shown. This provides the Vimeo server with information about the pages you have visited on our website. If you are logged onto Vimeo as a member, then Vimeo will automatically assign this information to your personal user account. When you activate the plugin (e.g. by clicking the start button of a video), the corresponding information is likewise assigned to your user account. You can prevent the automatic assignment of this information by logging out of your Vimeo account and deleting its respective cookies before logging onto our website.

For more information about the purpose and extent of data collection, how Vimeo processes and uses this data, and your rights and options for protecting your privacy, please read Vimeo’s privacy policy at: (external link, opens in a new window)