
A project workshop where traditional textile techniques meet innovative design, Berlin – Funded in the „Future of Labour“ fund

In recent years, Berlin has made a name for itself as a city of design. In fact, Berlin is now the home of numerous fashion labels. In addition to these Berlin-based labels, there are many people, especially very knowledgeable and creative women with an immigrant background, who utilize traditional textile techniques. The project "Tek-Style" brought both "scenes" together. By combining traditional textile production techniques from around the world and Berlin's innovative design ideas, the participants of the project workshop developed and publicly presented their own "Tek-Style" collections - from handbags to trousers, from sketching and cutting to final production. "Tek-Style" tapped the potential of talented individuals in Berlin, createed a network and developed ideas of how to better realize this potential which would generate new jobs. Furthermore, the project informed the public about its activities with events, such as "Live Sewing", an extensive website and a fashion magazine.

Artistic director: Katharina Rhode
Participating artists: Julia Kissel, Lokalkolorit (Anna Lafrenz & Katsu Lask), Hava Özen

Venues and schedule:
October 2006 to October 2007


Katharina Rohde

Tel.: +49 (0)176 65021728