Save the world
A utopian expedition with experts, artists and scientists

CO2 emissions have rapidly increased in recent years, causing global temperatures to rise. The consequences of the changing climate are evident in various ways – be it the threat of mass extinction, scarcity of drinking water or extreme weather phenomena. Consequently, the global climate was the focus of this year’s “Save the World” congress – a forum for new ideas and performances for a utopian expedition to the year 2030. The theatre congress invited international experts, artists, researchers and audiences to engage in dialogue about climate change.
The highlight of the festival was a “climate tour” comprised of six theme-based stations, all jointly developed and staged by researchers and artists of various disciplines. The climate tour was supplemented by special programmes and guest performances on climate issues. An accompanying educational programme took youngsters on a two-day climate expedition to save the world.
The congress was organised by the Theater Bonn in cooperation with the Beethoven Festival in Bonn. The Theater Bonn will continue its collaboration with other organisations headquartered in Bonn, such as the Federal Agency for Civic Education, the German Development Institute, the Centre for Development Research and various UN institutions.
Artistic director: Nicola Bramkamp, Andrea Tietz
With: Christoph Bals, Blind Summit Theatre, Blumio, Dr. Jan Börner, Aedin Cosgrove, Pan Pan Theatre, Emine Ercihan, Ensemble Theater Bonn, Sven-Daniel Gettys, half past selber schuld, Konrad Hempel, Bernadette la Hengst, Alexander Kleinschrodt, Georg K. Kössler, Alissa Kolbusch, Eva Krenzer, Michael Kühn, Dr. Aline Kühl-Stenzel, Dr. Claudia Lehmann, Peter Licht, Okka Lou Mathis, Prof. Dr. Dirk Messner, Dr. Jan Minx, Nick Nuttall, Johanna Paliatsou, Prinzip Gonzo, Gavin Quinn, Pan Pan Theatre, Jochen Roller, Matthias Ruchser, Nadine Schwitter, David Saddington, Amund Sjølie Sveen, Esther Struck, Suse Wächter, James Yarker, Stan's Cafe, den Urbanisten, Werkstatt Baukultur Bonn and others