Re.act.feminism #2 - a performing archive
Archive, Exhibition, live performances, screenings, performance archive

The central module of this project is a temporary, mobile archive which documents the works of international, gender-oriented performance practice of the 1960s and 1970s, as well as contemporary positions. The archive includes a continually expanding collection of graphic, video and print materials which include interviews, scores, video performances and documents about the history of their production and reception.
In cooperation with an international network of partner institutions, the performance archive has been shown at various locations in Germany, Spain, Croatia, Poland, Estonia and Denmark from 2011 to 2013. It has also been expanded with additional modules, for example, exhibitions and live performances, lectures, seminars and screenings. In addition to lesser documented regional performance movements, e.g. in Southern, Northern and Eastern Europe, the archive also incorporates significant positions from Latin America and the Arab world. The partner institutions also cooperated with regional universities and art academies to hold various workshops and seminars aimed to encourage dialogue between scholars, students and artists and to expand the archive with more regional works. “Re.act.feminism #2 - a performing archive” has also launched an extensive website and its bilingual catalogue will ensure its long-term visibility long after the project ends.
Artistic directors: Bettina Knaup, Beatrice Ellen Stammer
Artists: Helena Almeida (PT), Arahmaiani (RI), Pauline Boudry / Renate Lorenz, Lilibeth Cuenca (DK), Diamela Eltit (RCH), Valie Export (A), Theresa Hak Kyung Cha (ROK), Sanja Ivekovic (HR), Lea Lubin (RA), Dora Maurer (H), Marta Minujin (RA), Ana Mendieta (C), Tanja Ostojic (SCG), Ewa Partum (PL), Adrian Piper (USA), Ene-Liis Semper (EST), Mierle Landerman Ukeles (USA) and others
Venues and schedule:
Centro Cultural Montehermoso, Vitoria-Gasteiz (E), 7 Oct. 2011 – 15 Jan. 2012
Wyspa Institute of Art, Gdansk (PL), 23 Mar. – 22 Apr. 2012
Galerija Miroslav Kraljevic, Zagreb (HR), 5 – 26 May 2012
Museum of Contemporary Art, Roskilde (DK), 15 June – 19 Aug. 2012
Tallinn Art Hall (EST), 27 Aug. – 30 Sept. 2012
Fundaçió Antoni Tàpies, Barcelona (E), 15 Nov. 2012 – 17 Feb. 2013
Academy of the Arts, Berlin, 21 June – 18 Aug. 2013
Cross links
Bismarckstraße 69
10627 Berlin (external link, opens in a new window)