Project description

How should approaches and entrance areas to spaces exhibiting art be designed, if aesthetic experience is to be facilitated? Which rooms do audiences have to traverse before they come into contact with the art? Das Foyer is an artistic research project. It places the issue of how entrances and the spaces preceding them should be designed to be open and inviting. Zeitraumexit e.V. is opening one of its largest event spaces to three groups of architects and artists to realise experimental spaces after they have extensively studied local surroundings including its population.

The rooms will be open to the public and zeitraumexit is inviting neighbours and other interested parties to visit them, employ them for relaxation, make use of them, and supply feedback. Experiences from these exhibitions will be shared with interested actors from other cultural institutions and cultural education at a general meeting in autumn 2019. Sketches of the project will be documented on its website.


zeitraumexit e.V.

Hafenstraße 68
68159 Mannheim (external link, opens in a new window)