Lina Bo Bardi 100
Brazil’s alternative path to modernity

The Italian-Brazilian architect Lina Bo Bardi (1914 – 1992) achieved worldwide fame for her pioneering works in the fields of architecture and design, stage design and the fine arts. In these she combined elements of Brazilian tradition with contemporary concepts and explored how cultural identity was expressed in modern architecture and how all of society could be integrated into the design of architecture. On the occasion of her 100th anniversary in 2014, the Architecture Museum at the TU Munich has organised a solo exhibition in the Pinakothek der Moderne. The aim was to present Lina Bo Bardi’s extensive and diverse oeuvre in an art historic context and enable a broad audience to gain a deeper understanding of its cultural and socio-political themes. The exhibition has been accompanied by an international symposium where leading architects, scholars, artists and students from Europe, Brazil and the United States presented and discussed their latest research on central aspect of the exhibition, e.g. Lina Bo Bardi’s innovative exhibition practice, her urban development concepts and her social commitment, which was always evident in her works. In addition to workshops and a film series, young Brazilian architects developed their own projects to reflect on Lina Bo Bardi’s influence on the younger generation.
Curator: Simone Bader
Artist / Architect: Lina Bo Bardi
Architekturmuseum der TU München
Pinakothek der Moderne
Barer Straße 40
80333 München (external link, opens in a new window)