In C – The Marl Score

A project by Sasha Waltz for the city of Marl in cooperation with the Skulpturenmuseum Marl

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project description

One choreography, 160 dancers and eight performance venues – with this ambitious model project, choreographer Sasha Waltz hopes to breathe new life into the unique architecture of the North Rhine-Westphalian city of Marl. It wasn’t the artist, however, who originally came up with the idea, but rather the residents of Marl themselves. The project “In C – The Marl Score” is based on a civic initiative by the New Patrons programme. Arising from a desire to artistically present the once visionary post-war architecture of the democratic model city, the New Patrons programme mediated a collaboration with Sasha Waltz and her “Marl Score” based on Terry Riley’s improvised composition “In C” from 1964.

“In C” is especially suited as a participative dance project for several reasons. The 53 musical phrases in the minimalistic piece can easily be transformed into 53 figures of movement, which – in the case of Marl – professionally directed amateur groups will interweave in the form of a “structured improvisation”. The multi-part score will be performed at eight iconic locations in town – e.g. the city hall, the Scharoun School, the Marl Hügelhäuser and the Parcelsus Clinic – and will include not only professional dancers, but also numerous residents, pupils and dance school participants. In this way, the choreography not only makes use of the local architecture, but also refers to the fundamental democratic, community-building character of Marl.

The project will culminate in a two-day weekend of performances in September 2022. The dance groups will proceed downtown in spiral formations where they will gather for the grand finale with Sasha Waltz. This first highlight will mark the start of the second project phase in which the choreography will be presented in the kibbutz Yizre’el in north-eastern Israel, accompanied by the dancer Elik Niv and strengthened by the experiences in Marl.

Choreography and concept: Sasha Waltz
Patrons: Hannelore Apitzsch, Werner Eisbrenner, Monika Kaczerowski, Kurt Langer, Heidi Pfeifer, Irene Rasch-Erb, Rolf Schumann (†), Brigitte Schumann-Knauff, Dr. Ulrich Spies, Karin Wagner and Paul Wagner
Artistic advisor and coordinator: Thusnelda Mercy
Director and mediator: Lea Schleiffenbaum
Production manager for Sasha Waltz & Guests: Bärbel Kern
Production manager for Marl: Katharina Scheidtmann
Dancers: Sasha Waltz & Guests with residents of the city of Marl

Dance performances: various venues in town, Marl: 10–11 Sep. 2022


Skulpturenmuseum Marl

Georg-Herwegh-Straße 63-67
45772 Marl

+ 49 (0)2365 / 99 22 57
skulpturenmuseum​(at)​ (external link, opens in a new window)