Library in the City – City in the Library

Bremerhaven municipal library – funded by the hochdrei programme

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Project description

This project developed temporary and flexible library programmes for various groups in the Bremerhaven districts of Wulsdorf and Geestemünd. With its central library downtown and a branch library to the north, the Bremerhaven municipal library has long been active in this city of 120,000 inhabitants. With the so-called “BIB_TREFFs” (library meets), the library and local partners were able to initiate cultural impulses and explore what kind of services and options a library can and should offer city residents. The BIB_TREFFs were conceived as “pop-up” libraries which should revitalise vacant premises around town for nine months at a time. In this way, the project investigated how the municipal library can remain an open and accessible location even after business hours.

As part of the project, certain persons and groups were invited to the library who haven’t yet used it as a “third place”. The goal was to develop and test new formats and ideas together with the residents. The library team then adapted various participative approaches in response to each target group’s circumstances. The experiences gained from this process in the districts will later be used for further developing the main library.

Partner: Kulturbüro Bremerhaven

hochdrei – Changing City Libraries

With its programme "hochdrei – Changing City Libraries" the Federal Cultural Foundation aims to strengthen city libraries as cooperative and participatory cultural locations.


No upcoming events at present

Previous events

  • 12 June, 2020 : Eröffnung BIB_Treff Geestemünde

    Georgstraße 81, Bremerhaven

  • 10 August, 2019 : Eröffnung BIB_Treff Wulsdorf

    Wulsdorf Center, Weserstraße 90-94 , Bremerhaven


Bremerhaven municipal library

Elke Albrecht
Director municipal library
Bürgermeister-Smidt-Straße 10
27568 Bremerhaven
Website Bremerhaven library (external link, opens in a new window)