The Fact Checkers

Erfurt municipal and regional library – funded by the hochdrei fund

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Project description

Denizens of the public digital sphere must possess an especially critical awareness of the media in order to reveal manipulative and unsubstantiated information. The spread of antidemocratic content, e.g. via social media, is a phenomenon which many are currently observing in Thuringia. Consequently, this project would like to sensitise children, adolescents, their parents and other adults to the mechanisms of the media and how it shapes public opinion. The aim is to enable the participants to utilise media and engage in the democratic process in a more reflective manner.

A peer-to-peer programme for media mentors trains interested citizens to become experts with critical media competence and enables them to expose fake news. The Erfurt municipal and branch libraries invite citizens to participate in future workshops and public events, e.g. featuring hands-on media work, film screenings and investigative seminars with external experts. In cooperation with the Thuringian State Film Service and with support from other institutions like the University of Erfurt and local media organisations, the municipal and regional library in Erfurt has established a sustainable competence-based network for critical media education and a democratic culture of discourse.

Project title: The Fact Checkers. Strengthening Democratic Urban Society by Shaping Critical Public Opinion

Partner: Landesfilmdienst Thüringen e.V.

hochdrei – Changing City Libraries

With its programme "hochdrei – Changing City Libraries" the Federal Cultural Foundation aims to strengthen city libraries as cooperative and participatory cultural locations.


No upcoming events at present

Previous events

  • 27 April, 2022 : Digitaler Workshop: Fake News entlarven

    9:00 - 12:30 Uhr. Kostenlos

    Anmeldung an, online

  • 8 March, 2022 : Online-Diskussion: Fakes und Fakten in Kriegszeiten

    Mit Andrej Reisin und moderiert von Sebastian Friedrich. Ab 20 Uhr live auf Zoom. Kostenfrei. 

    Anmeldung unter, online

  • 21 February, 2022 to 24 February, 2022: Aktionstage: Medien, Meinungen & Manipulationen

    Mit Vorträgen, Workshops und Podiumsdiskussionen. Kostenlose Anmeldung unter


  • 25 November, 2021 : Podium: Lokaljournalismus von morgen – wie soll er aussehen?

    In Präsenz & im Livestream, 19–20:30 Uhr. Anmeldung unter:

    Stadt- und Regionalbibliothek, Erfurt

  • 19 November, 2021 : Vorlese-Aktion: Der Kleine Prinz um die Welt

    Für Familien und Interessierte. Online von 15 bis 16 Uhr. Anmeldung an

    Cisco WebEx, online

  • 5 October, 2021 : Digitales Gespräch: Geschichten aus OST und WEST

    Angeleitetes Gespräch mit Tarek Barkouni, Mandy Tröger, Markus Decker und Abini Zöllner. Anmeldung unter

    Webex, online

  • 28 April, 2021 : Aktionstag #1 – Digitale Meinungsbildung

    Digitale Vorträge und Seminare, u.a. mit den Journalisten Ingrid Brodnig und Bent Freiwald

    Teilnahme am Aktionstag unter:, online

  • 9 February, 2021 : Online-Workshop: Fake News entlarven

    Ab 14 Jahren, 15:00 - 17:00 Uhr

    Alle Termine und weitere Informationen unter:


Erfurt municipal and regional library

Dr. Eberhard Kusber
Domplatz 1
99084 Erfurt
Library website (external link, opens in a new window)
Project website (external link, opens in a new window)

Project Manager

Lisa M. Barouk
E-Mail to Lisa M. Barouk