Intercommunity Collaboration in Partheland

Grosspösna municipal library – funded by the hochdrei fund

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Project description

Five communities in the Partheland district – Borsdorf, Brandis, Grosspösna, Machern and Naunhof – teamed up to strengthen their region, initiate a cultural awakening with innovative concepts, and make intercommunity collaboration tangible. With this goal in mind, the community libraries entered a long-term partnership and created a single “Partheland library”.

The individual libraries are largely responsible for shaping the cultural life of their communities. By bundling the activities of these libraries to create new synergies beyond community borders, the project partners have visibly expanded their programmes and developed new concepts. For example, they now offer cross-community borrowing services, while new event and programme concepts are shared, adapted and further developed among the cooperating libraries. The necessary working conditions and processes were developed at the start of the project, e.g. a joint staffing concept. Community workshops were organised to gain an idea of the specific needs of the respective communities and define future areas of activity. A newly established, recurring library conference will provide an opportunity to discuss future perspectives and establish a long-term network of regional stakeholders such as schools, associations, youth organisations and citizens.

Project title: Intercommunity Collaboration in Partheland. A Municipal Library Partnership to Create a "Partheland Library"

Partners: Communities of Borsdorf, Brandis, Grosspösna, Machern and Naunhof

hochdrei – Changing City Libraries

With its programme "hochdrei – Changing City Libraries" the Federal Cultural Foundation aims to strengthen city libraries as cooperative and participatory cultural locations.


No upcoming events at present

Previous events

  • 3 December, 2021 : Online-Lesung

    Lesung und Buchvorstellung mit Vincent Kliesch. 18:30 – 20:30 Uhr. Details unter

    Partheland-Bibliotheken, online


Grosspösna municipal library

Dr. Gabriela Lantzsch
Im Rittergut 1
04463 Großpösna
Website of Grosspösna (external link, opens in a new window)