Centrifugal Forces

A Doppelpass-funded project by the Staatstheater Braunschweig and werkgruppe 2

Polnische Perlen - Fotograf Volker Beinhorn


The Göttingen theatre group werkgruppe2 and the Staatstheater Braunschweig jointly investigated specific forms of immigrant life in Braunschweig. Their project “Centrifugal Forces” focused on the contradiction between the practice of deportation and the call for increased immigration. Two documentary performances formed the core of the project. The first focused directly on the working life of “guest workers” who are supposed to help Germany avert an old-age nursing crisis. “Polnische Perlen“ (Polish Pearls) investigated the situation of Eastern European women, living far away from their families, who work as nurses for the elderly in households in Braunschweig, in Germany and in their home countries. In personal interviews with international researchers and asylum seekers who live in Braunschweig, the production “Fliehen & Forschen” (Fleeing & Researching) illustrated how one’s residence status can be firmly coupled with the demands of the local labour market.


Additional Dates "Fleeing & Researching":

2., 10., 17. April 2015
9. May 2015
25. June 2015


Staatstheater Braunschweig
Axel Preuß

Am Theater

38100 Braunschweig

Tel.: +49 (0)531 – 12 34 102

Fax: +49 (0)531 – 12 34 105


www.staatstheater-braunschweig.de (external link, opens in a new window)