Dreiland or the Prophecy of the Giant

Tri-national open-air theatre project

The Gerhart Hauptmann Theatre in Zittau teamed up with the Czech puppet theatre Naivní Divadlo and the Dramatyzny Teatr of Poland to produce the play Dreiland. Written by Oliver Schmaering, one of the winners of the play competition hosted by the Berlin Theatertreffen, Dreiland is about the border region of Zittau, the so-called Three Country Corner demarcating the shared border of Poland, Czech Republic and Germany. What myths or tales - such as that of Rübezahl - bridge a common border which has come to represent a barrier to mutual understanding and even a gap of prosperity? The multilingual performance took place in the city of Zittau and combined acting, dancing, puppet theatre and live music.

Artistic director: Roland May
Participants / artists: Oliver Schmaering, Ralph Reichel, Brigitte Ostermann, Ralph Käselan, Claudia Charlotte Buchard, Dominik Schiefer & Peter Schneider, Jürgen Salzmann, Peter Waschinsky.

Ensembles: Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater Zittau, Dramatyczny Teatr Wa³brzych (PL), Divadlo F.X. Šaldy Liberec (CZ) und Východoèeské Divadlo Pardubice (CZ).

Venue and schedule: Downtown Zittau, 12 May - 24 Jun. 2007, premiere: 11 May 2007
Additional performances: Poland and Czech Republic, 2008


Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater Zittau gGmbH

Theaterring 12

02763 Zittau

www.theater-zittau.de (external link, opens in a new window)