eLBe – The Current of Society

A Doppelpass-funded project by the Saxon State Theatres in Radebeul and “bodytalk”

eLBe-Über(n)flussgesellschaft © Walter Bickmann


This joint project by the Saxon State Theatres and the dance theatre group “bodytalk” from Cologne focused on the cultural region around the Elbe River in Saxony. The team embarked on a several-week “dance journey” to jointly explore the rural Elbe region between Torgau and Bad Schandau. During the trip, their discussions, interviews and interactive performances and happenings helped them gather information and impressions of the country and the people who live there.
Their findings – memories, pictures, biographical items – were integrated into a “place of encounter” in Radebeul, which also served as the project’s workshop, meeting place, think-tank and laboratory. The participants transformed the material and incorporated it into a three-part dance theatre production about East and West German history. The piece has been included in the theatre’s repertory and was produced at various venues in the region.


Landesbühnen Sachsen
Klaus-Peter Fischer

Meißner Straße 152

01445 Radebeul

www.landesbuehnen-sachsen.de (external link, opens in a new window)