Enacted Thinking

A Doppelpass-funded project by the Künstlerhaus Mousonturm und “Mamaza”

Enacted Thinking © MAMAZA


As part of this two-year residency programme, the Mousonturm would like to offer the dancer/choreographer collective “Mamaza” ideal conditions for exploring conceptual, aesthetic and production-oriented issues. The goal was to offer the young collective the opportunity to develop their craft by providing a stable working environment, ensuring constant exchange between artistic theory and practice and between the artists and the public, generating more visibility for the international trio at the theatre and in the media, and relieving the artists of the burden of organizational matters. Two large international co-productions and several choreographic interventions in the city illustrated the artistic dimension of the residency. Furthermore, a cooperative venture with “Tanzlabor_21” aimed to develop presentation formats which increased awareness among audiences of the Mousonturm and within the regional dance and choreography scene of the work of Mamaza.


Martine Dennewald

Waldschmidtstraße 4
60316 Frankfurt am Main
www.mousonturm.de (external link, opens in a new window)