Conference on the Digitalisation of European Cultural Heritage
Conference to mark the German EU Council Presidency in 2007
The digitalisation of cultural assets is becoming increasingly important for museums and archives in Germany and Europe. In fact, the European Commission has finally placed the digitalisation of cultural heritage onto the agenda of European cultural policy. The reason is two-fold. First, when European citizens have online access to exhibits from different cultures and foreign-speaking countries, they appreciate their own cultural heritage and that of other countries all the more. In this way, digitalisation is a means of strengthening European integration. Second, digitalisation is an important tool for preserving and restoring collections.
The conference on the digitalisation of cultural heritage will define goals and methods for applying digital technology which benefit museums and collections. In addition to addressing the key issues, such as locating electronic reference resources and determining the extent they can be accessed, used and financed, the conference will present innovative online portals, networks and other current and upcoming projects promoting the cultural and scientific heritage in Europe.
Prof. Monika Hagedorn-Saupe
Stellvertr. Leiterin / Deputy Director
Institut für Museumsforschung / Institute for Museum Research
In der Halde 1
D-14195 Berlin