Looking for Legends. Artistic Exploration of the Legendary World of Silesia
A joint programme by the Gerhart Hauptmann-Theater Görlitz-Zittau and the Zdrojowy Teatr Animacji, Jelenia Góra (Poland) - supported by the Wanderlust Fund
The theatre in Görlitz (music theatre and dance) has engaged in close artistic exchange with the Polish large-puppet theatre in Jelenia Góra for over ten years. In 1994 Görlitz adopted Jelenia Góra’s concept of an annual, international street-theatre festival. This theatre partnership will now strengthen the long-standing ties between the two theatres which shall develop a joint production featuring dance, puppet theatre and music theatre.
Due to their geographic location, the controversial topic of "Silesia" plays a central role. Using legend as an artistic vehicle – the mountain troll Rübezahl being the most famous and strongly anchored in the region’s cultural memory – the partner theatres hope to examine cultures of memory, prejudices and common characteristics. Following guest performances, personnel exchanges and theatre-educational workshops for kids and adults, the partnership will conclude with a joint production titled "Looking for Legends" to be performed at both theatres.
Theatres: Gerhart Hauptmann-Theater Görlitz-Zittau and Zdrojowy Teatr Animacji, Jelenia Góra (Poland)
Artists / participants: Bogdan Nauka (PL), Martina Morasso (IT), Steffi Sembdner, Maria Zimmermann, Jacek Maksimowicz (PL), Lidia Lisowicz (PL), Bill MacQueen (USA), Sylwester Kuper (PL), Sebastian Fiedor (PL), Nora Hageneier, Dorota Korczycka – Bąblińska (PL), Sławomir Mozolewski (PL), Marko E. Weigert, Dan Pelleg, Dorota Fluder (PL) and others
September 2010 – December 2012
Gerhart Hauptmann-Theater Görlitz-Zittau GmbH
Philipp Bormann
Demianiplatz 2
02826 Görlitz
www.theater-goerlitz.de (external link, opens in a new window)